Working portable from the western coast of Spain

 Date: August 28, 2021

My first big vaction this year goes to the Galician coast of Spain. Although its not planned as a ham radio vacation I thought it would be a nice place to work some stations and participate in the local club ragchew.

The trip will take place between the 18.9.2021 - 2.10.2021 starting in Illa de Arousa (IN52NN) and ending in Muxía (JN53JC) with some stops inbetween.

Openstreetmap of the Galician coast
Openstreetmap of the Galician coast

The equipment used will be quite minimalistic

  • 6m carbon mast + earth screw
  • 40m-20m-10m EFHW with an shortening coil for 40m
  • Xiegu G90
  • 6m of Aircell-5

My callsign: EA/DM5TT or EA1/DM5TT.

Here some pictures my used equipment.

Xiegu G90.. my Radio
Xiegu G90.. my Radio
40m-20m-10m EFHW
40m-20m-10m EFHW

⏪ Winter/Autumn 2020: Working portable from Esslingen

Auf der Suche nach RS41 Wettersonden des DWD mit Sondehub, AWS S3 und Python ⏩