Listening to 10GHz Rain Scatter in Esslingen using a LNB

 Date: August 26, 2022

Today I was able to receive multiple 10GHz beacons via Rain Scatter thanks to a small thunderstorm crossing my hometown.

As I’m living in a deep valley this band is normally pretty much white noise.

What a great chance to test my new LNB!


Some equipment from my electronic dumpster:

  • Bullseye LNB (Naked! no Dish!)
  • Bias-T injector
  • 14.6V DC power supply normally used for charging my LiFePo4s

A picture of this overly professional setup.

10 GHz LNB with power injector
10 GHz LNB with power injector

The Signals

During peak storm the band looked like this.

10 GHz Spectrogram
10 GHz Spectrogram

The Bullseye LNB is well known to have a stable internal clock source. So no drifting issues can be seen. But there’s still some static offset which must be compensated. To get the final frequency an offset of +9750MHz must be added (618MHz + 9750MHz = 10368MHz, the beacon band).

When listening to following recordings you immediately will recognize the broad, scattered CW signals.

Many thanks to Achim (DD4AB) and Stefan (DL8SFZ) who helped decoding the CW signals by ear!

⏪ Watching HF band activities using Grafana

LiteVNA sweep of the 2-El. 23cm Yagi from SG-Labs ⏩