LiteVNA sweep of the 2-El. 23cm Yagi from SG-Labs

 Date: September 22, 2022

I bought a 23cm transverter from SG-Lab and Hristiyan (LZ5HP) added a small PCB antenna.

2-Element Yagi from LZ5HP
2-Element Yagi from LZ5HP

Time for a LiteVNA sweep!

23cm 2-El SG-Lab SWR sweep
23cm 2-El SG-Lab SWR sweep

Almost perfect! VSWR of 1.1 at 1296 MHz! It should easy to fix it by shortening it to reach a VSWR of 1.

For further Investigation you can have a look at the S1P files:

This files can be investigated using NanoVNASaver.

⏪ Listening to 10GHz Rain Scatter in Esslingen using a LNB

Splitable 12-El. 23cm Yagi from the eBay store 'wlan-antenne' ⏩